1. Personal Pronouns
Pronoun adalah suatu kata yang menggantikan kedudukan orang atau benda. Suatu kata benda itu terdiri atas Singular(kata benda tunggal) dan Plural(kata benda jamak). Berikut akan dijelaskan mengenai Singular dan Plural Pronouns :
A. Singular
Ada beberapa Pronouns untuk Singular, yakni :
· Subject Pronoun
I , You, She, He, It.
· Object Pronoun
Me, You, Her, Him, It.
· Possessive Pronoun
Mine, Yours, Hers, His, Its.
· Possessive Adjective
My name, Your name, Her name, His name, Its name.
B. Plural
Ada beberapa Pronouns untuk Plural, yakni :
· Subject Pronoun
We, You, They.
· Object Pronoun
Us, You, Them.
· Possessive Pronoun
Ours, Yours, Theirs.
· Possessive Adjective
Our names, Your names, Their names.
Contoh kalimat untuk pembahasan Personal Pronouns :
1. I read a book. It was good.
2. I read some books. They were good.
3. I like tea. Do you like tea too?
4. John has a car. He drives to work.
5. John works in my office. I know him well.
6. I talk to him every day.
7. That book is hers. Yours is over there.
8. Her book is here.
9. A bird uses its wings to fly.
10. It’s cool today.
2. Reflexive Pronouns
Pronoun ini digunakan sebagai objek dari suatu Verb atau Preposition ketika subjek kalimat dan objek kalimat bermakna sama.
Pronoun ini juga bisa digunakan sebagai penekanan(Emphasis) terhadap pembicara lain.
Berikut macam-macam Reflexive Pronouns :
A. Singular
Yaitu Reflexive Pronoun untuk benda tunggal. Yang temasuk Reflexive Pronouns untuk Singular yaitu :
Myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, dan oneself.
Contoh kalimat :
· Tommy told a lie. He was ashamed of himself.
· Rita is careful about her weight, but she allows herself one piece of candy a day.
· I saw myself in the mirror.
B. Plural
Yaitu Reflexive Pronoun untuk benda jamak(banyak). Yang termasuk Reflexive Pronouns untuk Plural yaitu :
Ourselves, yourselves, dan themselves.
Contoh kalimat :
· People surround themselves with friends and family during holiday.
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